

Klaveness believes transparent and good corporate governance drives value creation by aligning stakeholder and company interests

The main governance structure and principles are as follows:

  • Trond Harald Klaveness is the sole owner and Chair of the Board of Rederiaksjeselskapet Torvald Klaveness (RASTK). The RASTK Board of Directors further comprises independent representatives with extensive corporate experience, Christian Rynning-Tønnesen, Rebekka Glasser Herlofsen and Elisabeth Tørstad.

  • Ernst Meyer is the President and CEO of Torvald Klaveness and heads up Klaveness Holding and the Klaveness Executive Committee.

  • Torvald Klaveness has incorporated a holding structure with a top management team responsible for developing and implementing corporate strategy, execute active ownership of the existing portfolio of companies, drive new strategic investments, and actively manage a portfolio of liquid financial investments.

  • The Group controls three majority-held investments: Klaveness Combination Carriers (KCC), Klaveness Digital, and Klaveness Dry Bulk. KCC is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange.

  • Each portfolio company is governed through separate Boards of Directors, these consist of board representatives from the Holding team and external directors.

  • Company headquarters are Oslo, Norway, with subsidiaries operating in Singapore, Japan, Manila, and Dubai.

  • Safety, Risk Management, Compliance, Cyber-security, Human Rights and ESG in general are integral parts of our business. We have dedicated people, functions, policies, governance, and management attention in place to execute safe and responsible business practices. Our compliance program is mandatory for all employees, officers, and directors.

  • We operate under a Code of Conduct that is accepted in writing by each employee, officer, and director.