Designed by shipping professionals, for shipping professionals
Knowledge-based tools that empower shipowners and charterers to make better informed commercial decisions
Stay ahead of the market with Klaveness’ domain knowledge, best-in-class research and rich digital expertise
Develop freight, tonnage and bunker solutions that better manage your market portfolio and freight exposure
Freight Decision Support Software
Developed by Klaveness Dry Bulk and now being further advanced and commercialized by Klaveness Digital, the freight decision support software brings transparency to chartering through three modules:
A one-stop-shop for an objective view of vessel performance and potential risks
Includes RightShip Safety Score/DOC/GHG rating
Freight Optimizer
Instant gauge of the trend for forward rates to support freight planning and strategy
Port Predictor
See if a vessel can meet laycan, monitor port turnaround times and understand the total duration of a voyage
Research as a Service
Tap into our army of in-house experts to:
Support your market research strategies
Use our data-driven insights to strengthen commercial decision-making
Plan ahead with our innovative and highly customizable reports
“The ability to capture, process, store, and analyse data efficiently and securely, will undoubtedly unlock significant productivity gains and business opportunities.
For instance, Klaveness established a new business unit, Market Manager, to develop vessel operating solutions as part of its digital freight and tonnage platform. Equipped with machine learning and data-driven decision-making tools, the platform helps its clients to manage their market portfolio and risk exposure.”
Mr S Iswaran, Minister for Transport, Singapore
SBR International Business Awards 2022

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